Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Isis Invocation and Morning Ritual

isis ritual, isis daily routine, isis prayer

Morning Ritual

Here is an example of a classic Invocation to Auset (Isis) that I am including a light morning ritual with.  This practice will balance out your internal forces of feminine and masculine bringing forth more inner balance, creativity and self love.

As you consistently practice this ritual, you will internally create a resonance of the Divine power of the priestess/goddess essence.  This is an sample of what you can do as a very simple part of your daily routine.  

  1. Ritual Bath (or shower)
  2. Candle Lighting/incense
  3. Breathing (divine breath 4/count)
  4. Invocation (with/without meditation music)
  5. Meditation (with/without yoga, mantras, mudras)
  6. Morning Meal (nourishment)

Isis Invocation 

I am the star that rises from the twilight sea.
I bring men dreams that rule their destiny.
I bring the moon-tides to the souls of men,
The tides that flow and ebb and flow again;
That flow and ebb and flow alternately,
These are my secret, these belong to me.

I am the Eternal Woman, I am She
The tides of all men's souls belong to me.
The tides that flow and ebb and flow again;
The secret, silent tides that govern men:
These are my secret, these belong to me.
Out of my hands be taken his destiny;
Touch of my hands bestows serenity.
These are the moon tides, these belong to me.

Isis in Heaven, on earth, Persephone,
Diana of the moon and Heacate, 
Veiled Isis, Aphrodite from the sea,
All these am I and they are seen in me
The high full moon in the mid heaven shines clear,
I bare the invoking words, bare and appear
Shaddai El Chai and Rhea, Binah, Ge
I come unto the priest that calleth me.

(From the book by Dion Fortune, The Sea Priestess)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Access the Ancestors through Dreaming

I'm going to tell you a secret.  The Ancestors will never appear to you physically.  Understanding this one simple fact will save you from much deception and delusion.  There is a reason why they won't and primarily it has to do with universal law, cause and effect, and your purpose for being here.  Interference in human affairs by divine beings is what caused the original divine fall and why we are currently suffering on the planet and have forgotten who we are.

Your Purpose

A true guru can never tell you your purpose, she can only assist you in discovering it for yourself but understand this, you have a divine purpose.  Your divine purpose is connected to the divine purpose of everyone else on the planet, for everything and everyone is connected.  This is also a universal law.   In order to discover your divine purpose, you must connect to your divine self.  This can be done through meditation, through prayer and through dreaming to name a few examples. 

In this article, I am going to speak to you about connecting to the Ancestors through your dreams in order to discover your divine purpose and stay on the path of self realization.  By realizing your divine purpose you will come to understand your mission here on earth.  Yes, you do have a mission.  In fact, it is quite critical that you know what your mission is and do your part to support the human family as we see our collective reality collapsing and deteriorating.  The Ancestors are calling you.

Who are the Ancestors?

It really depends on who you ask.  The Ancestors are not physically here to tell you, therefore anyone you ask would only know based on their own experience.  Some people know about the Ancestors based on historical record and some communicate with them directly through the Astral realm.  Therefore, it is really up to you to draw your own conclusion and follow your intuition.  Trust your inner guidance.  The presence of the Ancestors is with you and will guide you to right knowledge.

First know this...ALL IS ONE.  Once you understand the perfect unity of the whole creation, all darkness and erroneous belief systems will be dispelled from you.  DUALITY does not exist.  Separation is a state of mind and in creation there is PERFECT UNITY AND BALANCE.  The best system of thought we have on this concept is described as the YIN/YANG principle and is very well laid out in Hermetic Philosophy.  We cannot have LIGHT without DARKNESS and everything in creation has it's opposite.  

The Ancestors are not separate from you.  They are you.  You exist on many different dimensions outside of this reality.  Christ described this principle with the words, I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU THAT WHERE I AM, THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO (John 14:2-3).  The spirit of Christ will reconnect you to your divine purpose, which is your divine self.  Many people experience this as connecting to God and it is a beautiful experince.  Through this process you will develop a relationship with your divine self.  You are connecting to the part of yourself you have been disconnected from.  The part of you that exists in higher planes of reality and is waiting for you to wake up to who you truly are.

The Dark Ancestors and the Ancestors of Light

That being said, there is more.  You existed in other lifetimes in a physical form on the planet but you do not remember this.  There is a reason why you don't remember but for now let's say there are forces that are blocking you.  These same forces are connected to the Ancestors as well, however due to the nature of these intelligences, they are considered dark forces.  These dark angelic forces lived human lives in past incarnations and took a turn from the natural order and universal law.  They decided to interfere with the evolution of humanity in order to form their own dark cabal in physical form.  These are the beings who wreak havoc on the planet and seek to divert the divine plan which is you remembering who you are.  Keep in mind we are all interconnected, and these dark forces were also you.  You will understand this more as you develop your own relationship to the Ancestors.

Now you have decided to wake up from the darkness and put away ignorance in order to discover the Light through universal law.  You are reconnecting with the Ancestors, those other parts of yourself who are helping you to open your eyes to reality and remember why you are here and who you truly are.  These Ancestors work in harmony with universal law and the natural order of creation.  They are angelic forces at play in the evolutionary pattern for man and are here to support the divine plan. In order to communicate with us and help us to reconnect to the divine, they will appear as messenger angels in many different forms through meditation, spiritual gifts and through dreams.

The Ancient Egyptian Ancestors of Kemet

The Ancient Egyptians of Kemet (Egypt) had a perfect understanding of the topic we are discussing and did everything within their power to help us to wake up during this time.  The Great Pyramids, The Mighty Temples and Hieroglyphic writings speak of this knowledge in great detail.  The Egyptian Pantheon consists of the Neteru (Angelic Forces/Beings) which are the divine aspects of Self.  This Pantheon is the best way to connect to your own Ancestral Forces.  Twelve of the Ancestors and their qualities will be given in detail to you as follows:

The God Geb (Earth/Foundation) - When you are connecting to Geb, you are connecting to the strong, masculine energies of the earth.  Geb stands for security, firmness and the cultivation of life.  When you are properly connected to Geb, you are grounded, standing on a firm foundation, fruitful and productive.

The Goddess Nut (Sky/Heaven) - When you are connecting to Nut, you are connecting to the strong feminine energy of the heavenly realm.  Nut stands for the heavens and the influence the heavenly bodies have on all life on earth.  When you connect to Nut you are connecting to the planetary powers of the solar system, the universe and the heavenly realms beyond.

The God Ausar (Divine Soul) - When you are connecting to Ausar, you are connecting to your Divine Soul.  Ausar stands for the resurrection of the human soul to divine consciousness and the transmutation process of the soul from human to divine.  When you connect to Ausar, you are connecting to your Divine Soul and activating the principle of your Higher Self.

The Goddess Auset (Subconscious Mind/Emotions) - When you are connecting to Auset, you are connecting to the divine feminine aspect of your higher self.  Auset stands for the subconscious mind, the intuitive heart and sensitive emotions.  When you connect to Auset, you are connecting to the right brain aspects associated with the pineal gland and the subconscious world of feelings, dreams and spiritual gifts.

The God Set (Lower Self/Human Nature) - When you are connecting to Set, you are connecting to the more base aspects of your lower self associated with physical survival.  Set stands for opposition to the spiritual or higher aspects of the Self and represents the ancient struggle between the human and divine nature.  When you connect to Set, you are working on a lower level of consciousness associated with the ego and disconnected from the divine nature.

The Goddess NebtHet (Temple/Priesthood) - When you are connecting to NebtHet, you are connecting to the higher functioning angelic realms of the Neteru.  NebtHet stands for the hidden forces of nature and their angelic workings in creation through the Earth/Spirit Temple.  When you connect to NebtHet you are initiated to a level of responsibility in the creation process and tap into the mystical hidden forces of the universe.

The God Heru (The Higher Self) - When you are connecting to Heru, you are connecting to your fully realized divine self, Godhood.  Heru stands for the solar/sun aspect of the heart in its fully illuminated and enlightened state.  To connect to Heru is to experience your fully realized divine being with all the power and the authority that represents.

The God Anpu (Gatekeeper/Spirit Guide) When you are connecting to Anpu you are connecting to the guiding star of Sirius and the gates of your mystical power are open to you.  Anpu stands for the divine gatekeeper and spiritual guide in the evolutionary process of the human soul.  When you connect to Anpu, you have reached a heightened level of self awareness, learned to apply practical knowledge and are ready to ascend to a higher state of being.

The Goddess Hathor (Divine Love/Sexual Energy) When you are connecting to Hathor, you are connecting to divine creative power.  Hathor stands for the highest form of love and sexual energy.  It is through her divine creative force that art is formed, life is born and universes are made.  When you connect to Hathor, you are connecting to your divine feminine, most creative and loving self.

The Goddess Sekhmet (Life Force/Divine Fire) When you are connecting to Sekhmet you are connecting to the original spark of creation, the divine fire.  The fire of Sekhmet is a purifying flame that cleanses the soul causing right action, correction and sometime destruction.  When you connect to Sekhmet, you are connecting to your personal power, courage and integrity.

The Goddess Maat (Order/Balance)  When you are connecting to Maat, you are connecting to the harmonizing energies of justice, order and balance.  Maat stands for the stabilizing forces that bring balance to polarity. When you connect to Maat, you are connecting to the spirit that brings justice, balance and order to your life. 

The God Djehuty (Divine Wisdom/Magic) When you are connecting to Djehuty you are connecting to the divine wisdom and magical forces of the spoken and written word.  Djehuty stands for the Highest form of wisdom that illuminates the soul and unlocks the door of knowledge to the areas of sacred science.  When you connect to Djehuty, you are connecting to the powers of the moon and mercury combined, using hidden wisdom to discover true enlightenment and magical power.

The knowledge presented here is among the most accurate knowledge you will find on our Ancestral spirits and if you practice communicating and working with them, you will bring balance, power and creativity into your life.  This lesson will be continued in Access the Ancestors through Dreaming Part II.  In the second part, I will go over exactly how to make contact through your dreams and what you can expect on this wonderful and transforming journey!  

Let me know you found this article helpful, please share and leave me a comment!

Ankh Udja Seneb!


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Saturday, April 18, 2015

The 7 Step Basic Ritual - New Moon

The Goddess Hathor
Today is April 18th, the day of the New Moon and I am feeling very excited about my banishing ritual tonight.  See Banishing Ritual I and Banishing Ritual II.

I am focused on banishing some negative aspects from my life in order to clear up my energy field and get more grounded.  The more grounded and clear we become, the more powerful channels we are for the divine energies to permeate our life bringing balance and harmony to ourselves and the planet.

I am equally excited about the month of May!  The energies for manifestation are very high and I intend to tap into these planetary powers to give birth to some projects I am working on by the next full moon.  Getting in rhythm with nature has greatly increased my creativity, productivity and self confidence.  Getting in harmony with the moon is like inhaling and exhaling.  When the moon wanes, we exhale, we let go.  When the moon waxes, we inhale, we give birth to our intentions.

Lunar Calendar:  (Here is a link to the monthly lunar calendar to assist you in keeping track with the days the moon waxes and wanes each month.  If you have any questions, leave me a comment or email me.  2015 Lunar Calendar)

If you have been doing research on Moon Magic and/or following my blogs, you may have noticed there are a lot of steps to follow.  In the beginning you may have to write everything down and refer back to your material while you are working to perform your rituals.  I understand this and I am working hard to alleviate this for you by creating a 7 Step Basic Ritual for you.

My 7 Step Basic Ritual will take the basic practices in Moon Magic and Magic in general and condense them into a few rhythmic flows you can remember.  If you commit these 7 Steps to memory, it will help you when performing your rituals.  You will still need to know all the basics that have been giving to you here and what you have accumulated in your own research but these steps will trigger that information within you.

The 7 Step Basic Ritual

  1. Cleanse
  2. Seal
  3. Summon
  4. Meditate
  5. Offering
  6. Conjure
  7. Close
 These 7 Steps were developed from various magical traditions that I have been practicing over the years and which I have found to be essential in every ritual working.  If you are new to ritual practice and come from a religious background, pay close attention and notice if you are not performing this ritual every time you attend religious service.

STOLEN LEGACY GIVEN TO THE CHURCH:  These are ancient practices that were stolen from our Ancestors and then re-instituted in religion to use us like batteries to generate energy to empower their institutions.  This ritual will assist you in regaining your power to generate energy for yourself!

Step One - Cleanse

Adopt a bathing ritual.  Bathing is essential in ritual practice.  A good focused cleansing ritual will assist you in cleansing negative vibrations that will block you from receiving your intention.  Do not take negativity into your ritual,  it will fail. A bath is not always essential or practical.  Use the holy water and anointing oil on your alter to cleanse your hands and tools each time you prepare to perform any ritual.  (This is where baptism came from.)

Step Two - Seal

Do not have a mindset of fear.  Sealing your ritual area is not about keeping out demons.  Demons are attracted to kindred energy.  Sealing your ritual area is about stepping into the AUTHORITY OF WHO YOU ARE.  Knowing the power you possess and putting that energy in your field and the fields of those nearby as a way of life (ritually) every time you do your practice.  When you walk in the authority and awareness of who you are, sealing becomes less of an issue and less necessary.  (This is where the blood of Christ came from.)

Step Three - Summon

The word summon means to order someone to appear or call to request that someone come.  Summoning is the same as requesting for the presence (Angel) of the Lord or God.  However, most people who do this are not doing it properly and why many lose faith in God.  There is a 100% accurate way of seeing the power of God in your life, and that's understanding that the God you are serving is you!

Use your GOD POWER, same as GOD GIVEN POWER to command the presence of your holy angelic forces to meet with you at your ritual by summoning them.  These forces are the Four Sons of Heru, discussed in Banishing Ritual I.  These forces are the powers that cause you to act, think, feel and physically be.  Ritual practice acquaints you with the power you possess and teaches you how to actively engaged these powers for creative progress.  (This is where the concept of Angels came from.)

Step Four - Meditate

In preparation for your ritual, you should have been focusing on what particular ritual you wanted to perform such as a Third Eye Activation Ritual, Prosperity Ritual, or in this case a Banishing Ritual. (Notice I did not say Love and Romance Ritual.  That type of ritual should not be performed until you are very acquainted with the above said rituals.) You should write out what your intention is for the ritual on a piece of paper and have that with you on the altar when performing your ritual.  Use this time to close your eyes and visualize your intention happening exactly as it should.  If you use divination tools, this is a good time to read and focus on the ancestors and pray.  Its okay to cry and release at this time if you feel moved to do so.  You should be a clear channel when you move into the next step of conjuring.  (This is where Prayer came from.)

Step Five - Offerings

There are many rituals that you can perform that will include offerings to the Gods and Goddesses.  This is a good practice to have as it heightens your awareness and perceptions and also creates an energetic field of reciprocation and adoration.  Offerings are too precise and particular to list here but this is the step where you would offer.  If your offering includes wine, this is where the wine would be taken.  For now burning oil and/or incense would be appropriate offerings.  (This is where Communion came from.)

Step Six - Conjuring

The word conjure means to create, imagine and invoke.  When we remember something we are conjuring.  When people get the holy ghost, they are conjuring.  When people dance, they are conjuring which is essentially raising one's vibrational awareness and energy.  Now you will learn to do this with intention.  When we raise our vibrational awareness and energy we have tremendous power.  When we use our energy without intention, its similar to what the bible calls spilling the seed.  Within the seed is the power to create (the life force energy, the etheric sperm).  When we waste our creative power, we take what God has given us for granted and essentially waste our lives.

Conjuring is absolutely necessary in any ritual practice.  Without the life force creative power of this energy, all intentions fail.  It also takes time to develop this ability.  If you were ever in church, go back to church in your mind when you were shouting or happy.  That's the level of energy you want to draw down.  There are two ways that I conjure.  One through chanting (speaking in tongues) and the other through dancing. Drum music works well with dancing. Let your intuition be your guide.  While chanting and or dancing, begin praising that you know your intention is accomplished.  (This is where the Holy Ghost came from.)

Step Seven - Close 

Close your circle by thanking the Ancestors, Gods and Goddesses for their presence and power.  Release them from the circle.  For more information on closing your circle, see Banishing Ritual II(This is where Benediction came from.)

This 7 Step Basic Ritual is one of the most concise and accurate rituals you will find.  If you are performing this ritual, please leave me a comment and let me know how you are doing.  I will be happy to assist in any way possible.  Best wishes in your Banishings and may the Gods and Goddess be with you!  Em Hotep!



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Friday, April 17, 2015

How to Ground Energy from the Astral Plane

The Creator God Khnum - Khnemu is to build. Khnem is to join/unite moon and sun or left/right brain, integrating the higher and lower functions of spiritual/physical.
I have a gift called clairaudience, it is an extrasensory ability to hear on a higher plane of existence.  In case you don't understand, I will explain it for you.  There are times when I can hear words with my awareness not my physical ears.  This has probably happened to you before but perhaps not as acute.  The words I hear will lead me to some particular "knowing".  I have found things that were hidden in my house, been guided to missing people, and knew people's deepest darkest secrets this way.  It's completely spontaneous and nothing I can do at will, yet.

Sometimes this will happen right before I wake up.  Just as I am opening my eyes, I will hear certain words or phrases going through my mind.  I always write them down because usually they are startling to me or compelling in some way.  Yesterday morning I awoke and immediately heard these words:
"Everything received from the Astral Plane or Higher Dimensions must be grounded in the Physical Realm.  Practice grounding all the energies received or pulled down from the heaven and ground it in the structure of form."

Use Your Ideas as a Springboard to Create

When we receive an idea, a thought or a dream that appears to be from God or heaven, this is the same or similar to receiving from the Higher Dimensions.  It is also the heavenly realm grounding information within us and desiring to see some manifestation in the earth.  However, it is up to us to physically ground that information.  That means we must take some physical action based on whatever we received.  The more concrete the action, the more grounded it will be.

Sharing the information with someone is good but it is not concrete enough.  We need to get our creativity involved and use physical material for real grounding.  Our Ancestors created the temples, the sacred writings on the walls and replicas of the gods to help ground the divine energies in the earth and keep themselves connected to the heavens.  Our Ancestors were creators and builders and this is what they are reminding us about who we are.  Writing books on what you have received through revelation or in your astral travels, meditations and dreams then transferring that information to creative form through artwork and painting are good ways to ground the astral energies.

The Ancestors want us to be aware of their existence and to listen for their voice so that they may help us remember who we are and the power we possess as builders and creators.  They are aware when we are listening and they will definitely speak.  When we receive a divine message or revelation from them, they say that we must take physical action and get creative with it.  When we take these steps, we build a force field of energetic wave patterns around us and in us that keep us grounded, open the door for greater power, and keep us connected to heaven and to earth.

Grounding in the Temple
Remember these steps:

  • Listen for the Ancestors (Angels)
  • Pay Attention to Your Dreams
  • Ground the Energy You Receive with Physical Action/Creativity
  • Build an Energetic Forcefield of Connected/Grounded Energy
  • Open the Door for Greater Power

I hope you found this article helpful.  Leave me a comment and let me know what you are receiving from the Ancestors and how you are expressing your creativity.  What areas would you like to develop?  Do you have a plan?  Looking forward to your growth and development!  Em Hotep!

The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead

The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead (or Coiming Forth by Day, Pert Em Heru) has been added to our library as a free PDF download along with The Law of One - The Ra Material. Use your discretion as you go through the literature in our library. Our presentation of the authors and the author's work is not an endorsement but rather providing the student with the limited amount of information on topics relating to our ancestral culture and heritage from the very best sources available, no matter how dubious. Be sure to download the PDFs from our library while they are still available. Many PDFs are being wiped from the internet altogether. (Link to our Library) Em hotep!

Egyptian Book of the Dead
First the Egyptian Book of the Dead was considered to be the ‘Bible’ of the ancient Egypt and was therefore treated with great respect and consideration. The Book of the Dead (often presented with the subtitle ‘The Papyrus of Ani’ or ‘The Book of Coming [or Going] Forth By Day’) was intended to assist the deceased in the afterlife and comprised a collection of hymns, spells and instructions to allow the deceased to pass through obstacles in the afterlife.
by Wallace Budge (Use Discretion)

The Ra Material
Our research group uses what I prefer to call “tuned trance telepathy” to communicate with an extraterrestrial race called Ra. Ra landed on Earth about 11,000 years ago as a sort of extraterrestrial missionary with the objective of helping Earthman with his mental evolution.
by James Allen McCarty

Monday, April 13, 2015

How to Analyze Your Dreams

April 18th is approaching and the New Moon (Dark Moon) will be here.  This is the time we will be performing our Banishing Rituals (See Banishing Rituals Part I and Part II) to rid ourselves of everything that has been holding us back from moving forward.  If you have been doing any of the rituals up to this point, you may notice the week has been somewhat stressful as issues that you are wanting to banish are beginning to rise up.  This is a good sign, they are coming into clear view so you can deal with them and banish them.  If you are like me, things may be manifesting in your dreams.  

I have analyzed over 100 of my own dreams and also published a book of dreams I compiled over three years.  In the process I have become very skillful at analyzing and reading dreams.  Between the years of 2004-2007 I began spontaneously dreaming 1-2 vivid dreams per day dealing with politics, advanced technology, social unrest, earth changes and paranormal/extraterrestrial life.  This was the year I would say my third eye began to fully open and I began using more extrasensory perception. Over the years I began to make distinctions between different types of dreams.  The main distinctions I found were:

  • Clairvoyant Dreams - Dreams about upcoming events.
  • Revelatory Dreams - Dreams revealing something previously unknown about myself.
  • Mundane Dreams - Dreams rehashing previous thoughts, words and experiences.

If you would like a complete list of my cataloged dreams to review them, please send me an email.

Last night I dreamed that I was with my godfather in a car and a man appeared out of nowhere and started struggling with my godfather.  I watched the two men struggling with one another in the car.  My godfather told me to leave so I took off running.  I remember it was dark outside. 

As I ran down the hill, the strange man began running after me.  He ran so fast I could hear him getting closer.  I began to pray God please do not let him catch me and suddenly I began to run faster.  I noticed lights on in a building and people inside so I ran in.  I never saw the man again.

The next thing I know I'm in a big house.  The front door is hanging off the hinges.  I look out the door and I see a bunch of dudes on the porch of the house facing mine watching me.  I'm feeling unsafe because I remembered the strange man had been chasing me and now I don't have a secure door on my house.  I look out the door and I say to one of the guys, can you fix doors?  He said yes.  I said, how much to fix this door?  He told me to wait and he would let me know.

Then I walked past a window and the window was wide open.  I looked out the window and the dudes on the porch were still looking at me.  I felt unsafe so I closed the window and locked it.  Then I go to the back of the house and I notice a lady had come through the back door and was using my sink.  I said to her, one thing about my house is this, I like my doors to be shut and locked at all times.  She then shut the door and locked it.  End of dream.

Always Record Your Dreams

The Duat - Underworld of Dreams or Astral Realm.  The Duat is the spirit world of gods and magic.
I have a habit of recording my dreams.  I used to keep a dream journal but now I use the voice recorder on my phone which is normally by the bed and I give each dream a catchy title to remind me what it is about.  This dream is called Dream of Unlocked Doors.  If you are having trouble remembering your dreams, try recording every little tidbit you do remember.  You will activate your subconscious mind to begin remembering more.  From there you will continue to advance in your dream life if you choose to.

This dream is pretty obvious what its about and I have had this type of dream before.  This is what I call a revelatory dream.  Intuitively I know when I am having a clairvoyant dream or when I am astral traveling/projecting.  The Dream of Unlocked Doors has been triggered by my banishing rituals to bring up some of my subconscious fears in order to include them with the things I need to release.  I also know this dream reveals a subconscious fear and is not a mundane dream because nothing is going on in my waking life similar to this.   (When I have a mundane dream, it reminds me of exactly something I said, did or thought earlier in the day and overall the dream is nonsensical.)

Breaking the Dream Down

When I first analyze the dream I break it down into symbols.  I will highlight and breakdown this dream to give you an example of what you can do:
Last night I dreamed that I was with my godfather (PROTECTION) in a car (GET AWAY) and a man appeared out of nowhere and started struggling (CHALLENGE) with my godfather.  I watched the two men (DUALITY) struggling with one another in the car.  My godfather told me to leave so I took off running (ESCAPISM).  I remember it was dark (SHADOW SELF) outside. 

As I ran down the hill (SITUATION GETTING BETTER), the strange man began running after me (ANXIETY).  He ran so fast I could hear him getting closer.  I began to pray (PRESENCE OF FAITH) God please do not let him catch me and suddenly I began to run faster (PRESENCE OF POWER).  I noticed lights on (PRESENCE OF HOPE) in a building (PRESENCE OF STRUCTURE/MAAT) and people (PRESENCE OF SUPPORT) inside so I ran in.  I never saw the man again.

The next thing I know I'm in a big house (MY SPIRIT).  The front door (DEFENSIVE BARRIER) is hanging off the hinges (NOT FUNCTIONING PROPERLY).  I look out the door and I see a bunch of dudes (THREAT) on the porch of the house facing mine watching me (ANXIETY).  I'm feeling unsafe because I remembered the strange man had been chasing me and now I don't have a secure door on my house.  I look out the door and I say to one of the guys, can you fix doors (NEED FOR PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT OF PROTECTION BARRIER/BOUNDARIES)?  He said yes.  I said, how much to fix this door?  He told me to wait and he would let me know (THIS CANNOT BE FIXED WITH MONEY).

Then I walked past a window (TO LOOK OUT OR SEE MYSELF AS) and the window was wide open (VULNERABLE).  I looked out the window and the dudes on the porch were still looking at me.  I felt unsafe so I closed the window (TO NOT SEE MYSELF) and locked it.  Then I go to the back of the house (SUBCONSCIOUS MIND) and I notice a lady (DIVINE FEMININE) had come through the back door and was using my sink (PLACE OF CLEANSING).  I said to her, one thing about my house is this, I like my doors to be shut and locked at all times.  She (DIVINE FEMININE) then shut the door (PROPERLY CLEARED AND CLOSED THE VULNERABLE CHAKRA) and locked it (TRULY SECURE).  End of dream.

Our Fears are Revealed through Nightmares

The fear is coming up because of something that happened to me when I was a young girl.  I was coming in before dark after playing with my friends like my mother told me and a man hiding on the side of my building snatched me as I walked by and dragged me to an abandoned church next door and bound me and assaulted me.  Its been decades since that occurred but its still very hard for anyone to get close to me and there is still a lot for me to work through in ridding myself from this traumatic and paralyzing experience.

So, I know why this dream is coming up for me right now and I am glad that it has because I do not choose to live in paralyzing fear that someone is going to hurt me.  I do not choose to isolate myself from the world because its the only place I know where I am safe.  Instead, I intend to banish myself of this needless subconscious anxiety, face my fears and continue to execute my will for my life which is divine self love and self acceptance of who I am and what I deserve to have.

I only share this with you openly because I know that I am not alone and that there are many of you out there who have been through traumatic or painful experiences in life that still lay trapped dormant in your chakra system.  I want you to know that your nightmares are not just haunting memories but triggers from the divine subconscious asking you to heal that area so you can move past the pain.  If you would like assistance in dealing with trauma, past abuse and pain, please contact me.

Analyze with Prayer & Meditation

The next thing I do, once I have recorded the dream is to analyze it with a card/ancestral reading such as The Tarot, The Egyptian Oracle or any divination system you choose.  Whatever your practice is, it is always a good idea to offer up your dream for analysis and interpretation to the Divine Mother Goddess for understanding.  The Divine Feminine is the subconscious mind and the world of dreams.  The dream is from the Divine Mother and she will give you understanding.  If you do not have a practice, simply sit down quietly, relax and meditate on her and say a silent prayer asking for assistance with the interpretation.  The answers will begin to spontaneously enter into your mind.  As it does, voice record the interpretation or write it down.  Get into the habit of this practice and you will grow in divine understanding by leaps and bounds.

When my intuition tells me this dream was a subconscious fear, I say the Divine Mother spoke to me for she is my intuitive heart.  The more we use our intuition the more connected we are to the divine feminine aspect of ourselves.  To know the difference takes practice but consistency will teach you how the truth feels and confirmations will come to tell you that you're right or your feeling was accurate.  Always ask for signs and confirmations, and you will receive them. 

The card analysis of my dream

The cards show that this dream was triggered from stress.  I had mentally connected with a low vibrating energy (hostility) triggered by a connection I had made with another individual (TRANSFERENCE).  I became defensive and somewhat hostile and reconnected to some very oppressive forces still locked in my root chakra.  The root chakra is closely related to our survival mechanism and our personal security.  My interaction with this person triggered feelings of fight or flight along with feelings of vulnerability (safety and security/boundaries) so I became defensive (put up barriers).

Below are the cards I pulled to analyze this dream.  If you have experience and would like to study my Horseshoe spread the cards are:

  • 4 Cups
  • 5 Pentacles
  • Queen of Swords
  • Ace of Pentacles
  • 5 Cups
  • 2 Wands
  • 10 Wands
It took me years to be able to analyze my dreams this quickly but I share it here for you as we are going to be doing our banishing ritual this weekend of the New Moon Saturday April 18th and this information can be helpful to you.  You know what I will be banishing!  I hope this has been helpful.  Please share this article and do leave me a comment.  To learn more about this subject and related subjects, sign up for Kabbalah Class.  Em hotep!

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Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

This is my favorite Book in the Emerald Tablets:  

Book VI The Key to Magic

Hark ye, O man, to the wisdom of magic.
Hark the knowledge of powers forgotten.
Long ago in the days of the first man,
warfare began between darkness and light.
Men then as now,
were filled with both darkness and light;
and while in some darkness held sway,
in other light filled the soul.
Aye, age old in this warfare,
the eternal struggle between darkness and light.
Fiercely is it fought all through the ages,
using strange powers hidden to man.
Adepts has there been filled with the blackness,
struggling always against the light;
but others there are who, filled with brightness,
have ever conquered the darkness of night.
Where e'er ye may be in all ages and plane,
surely, ye shall know of the battle with night.
Long ages ago,
The SUNS of the Morning
descending, found the world filled with night,
there in that past, began the struggle,
the age old Battle Darkness & Light.
Many in the time were so filled with darkness
that only feebly flamed the light from the night.
Some they were, masters of darkness, who sought
to fill all with their darkness:
Sought to draw others into their night.
Fiercely withstood they, the masters of brightness:
fiercely fought they from the darkness of night
Sought ever to tighten the fetters,
the chains that bind men to the darkness of night.
Used they always the dark magic,
brought into men by the power of darkness.
magic that enshrouded man's soul with darkness.
Banded together as in order,
they through the ages,
antagonist they to the children of men.
Walked they always secret and hidden,
found, yet not found by the children of men.
Forever, they walked and worked in darkness,
hiding from the light in the darkness of night.
Silently, secretly use they their power,
enslaving and binding the soul of men.
Unseen they come, and unseen they go.
Man, in his ignorance calls THEM from below.
Dark is the way of the DARK BROTHERS travel,
dark of the darkness not of the night,
traveling o'er Earth
they walk through man's dreams.
Power they have gained
from the darkness around them
to call other dwellers from out of their plane,
in ways that are dark and unseen by man.
Into man's mind-space reach the DARK BROTHERS.
Around it, they close the veil of their night.
There through it's lifetime
that soul dwells in bondage,
bound by the fetters of the VEIL of the night.
Mighty are they in the forbidden knowledge
forbidden because it is one with the night.
Hark ye O old man and list to my warning:
be ye free from the bondage of night.
Surrender not your soul to the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS.
Keep thy face ever turned towards the Light.
Know ye not, O man, that your sorrow,
only has come through the Veil of the night.
Aye man, heed ye my warning:
strive ever upward,
turn your soul toward the LIGHT.
The BROTHERS OF DARKNESS seek for their brothers
those who traveled the pathway of LIGHT.
For well know they that those who have traveled
far towards the Sun in their pathway of LIGHT
have great and yet greater power
to bind with darkness the children of LIGHT.
List ye, O man, to he who comes to you.
But weigh in the balance if his words be of LIGHT.
For many there are who walk in DARK BRIGHTNESS
and yet are not the children of LIGHT.
Easy it is to follow their pathway,
easy to follow the path that they lead.
But yet O man, heed ye my warning:
Light comes only to him who strives.
Hard is the pathway that leads to the WISDOM,
hard is the pathway that leads to the LIGHT.
Many shall ye find, the stones in your pathway:
many the mountains to climb toward the LIGHT.
Yet know ye, O man, to him that o'ercometh,
free will he be of the pathway of Light.
For ye know, O man,
in the END light must conquer
and darkness and night be banished from Light.
Listen, O man, and heed ye this wisdom;
even as darkness, so is the LIGHT.
When darkness is banished and all Veils are rended,
out there shall flash from the darkness, the LIGHT.
Even as exist among men the DARK BROTHERS,
so there exists the BROTHERS OF LIGHT.
Antagonists they of the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS,
seeking to free men from the night.
Powers have they, mighty and potent.
Knowing the LAW, the planets obey.
Work they ever in harmony and order,
freeing the man-soul from its bondage of night.
Secret and hidden, walk they also.
Known not are they to the children of men.
Ever have THEY fought the DARK BROTHERS,
conquered and conquering time without end.
Yet always LIGHT shall in the end be master,
driving away the darkness of night.
Aye, man, know ye this knowing:
always beside thee walk the Children of Light.
Masters they of the SUN power,
ever unseen yet the guardians of men.
Open to all is their pathway,
open to he who will walk in the LIGHT.
free of the HALLS, where LIFE reigns supreme.
SUNS are they and LORDS of the morning,
Children of Light to shine among men.
Like man are they and yet are unlike,
Never divided were they in the past.
ONE have they been in ONENESS eternal,
throughout all space since the beginning of time.
Up did they come in Oneness with the ALL ONE,
up from the first-space, formed and unformed.
Given to man have they secrets
that shall guard and protect him from all harm.
He who would travel the path of the master,
free must he be from the bondage of night.
Conquer must he the formless and shapeless,
conquer must he the phantom of fear.
Knowing, must he gain of all of the secrets,
travel the pathway that leads through the darkness,
yet ever before him keep the light of his goal.
Obstacles great shall he meet in the pathway,
yet press on to the LIGHT of the SUN.
Hear ye, O Man, the SUN is the symbol
of the LIGHT that shines at the end of thy road.
Now to thee give I the secrets:
now to meet the dark power,
meet and conquer the fear from the night.
Only by knowing can ye conquer,
Only be knowing can ye have LIGHT.
Now I give unto thee the knowledge,
known to the MASTERS,
the knowing that conquers all the dark fears.
Use this, the wisdom I give thee.
When unto thee comes a feeling,
drawing thee nearer to the darker gate,
examine thine heart and find if the feeling
thou hast has come from within.
If thou shalt find the darkness thine own thoughts,
banish them forth from the place in thy mind.
Send through thy body a wave of vibration,
irregular first and regular second,
repeating time after time until free.
Direct it in waves from thine head to thy foot.
But if thou findest thine heart is not darkened,
be sure that a force is directed to thee.
Only by knowing can thou overcome it.
Only be wisdom can thou hope to be free.
Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power.
Attain and ye shall have power o'er all.
Seek ye first a place bound by darkness.
Place ye a circle around about thee.
Stand erect in the midst of the circle.
Use thou this formula, and you shalt be free.
Raise thou thine hands to the dark space above thee
. Close thou thine eyes and draw in the LIGHT.
Call to the SPIRIT OF LIGHT through the Space-Time,
using these words and thou shalt be free:
"Fill thou my body, O SPIRIT OF LIfe,
fill thou my body with SPIRIT OF LIGHT.
Come from the FLOWER
that shines through the darkness.
Come from the HALLS where the Seven Lords rule.
Name them by name, I, the Seven:
and SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT--Nine.
By their names I call them to aid me,
free me and save me from the darkness of night:
By their names I implore thee,
free me from darkness
and fill me with LIGHT
Know ye, O man, that when ye have done this,
ye shall be free from the fetters that bind ye,
cast off the bondage of the brothers of night.
See ye not that the names have the power
to free by vibration the fetters that bind?
Use them at need to free thou thine brother
so that he, too, may come forth from the night.
Thou, O man, art thy brother's helper.
Let him not lie in the bondage of night.
Now unto thee, give I my magic.
Take it and dwell on the pathway of LIGHT.
LIGHT unto thee, LIFE unto thee,
SUN may thou be on the cycle above.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Banishing Ritual Part II

Image from Ancient Sculpture Gallery
In Banishing Ritual Part I, I talked about the powerful elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth and their association to our Ancestors, The Four Sons of Heru.  I also spoke a little on Banishing itself.  In this article I intend to help you make the best use of your Banishing Ritual Power.

Banishing is about rebuking, releasing, and letting go of anything that is blocking your power.  Sometimes things we go through in life get blocked in our Chakras such as pain, guilt and fear.  Pain, Guilt and Fear are the three main issues that block people from personal power.  Once these energies have been banished, it frees the Chakra system to move energy through your body freely and powerfully when it is directed by your mind.

I have already begun my banishing rituals for the month and issues are arising that are causing me to deal with the issues I am seeking to release.  You will notice this occurring as you also begin focusing on what you intend to let go of.  The issue will pop up more and more and force you to deal with it.  This is normal.  This shows you the power of focus.  Whatever you focus on will occur.

However, this is also like summoning a dragon from its cave in order to destroy it.  So as the issues comes out begin to get comfortable with your feelings around it.  If you feel pain, tell yourself, this is just a feeling, I no longer wish to feel this way and I let it go.
KEY POINT:  The reason people continue to feel pain is because they do not consistently and continually choose to let it go.  Letting go is like letting air out of a tire, you have to pull the plug literally.  When you release pain, it leaves you.  When it returns, you release it again.  Continuing to release creates a pattern of energy that releases instantly as opposed to just feeling pain and carrying it.  
However, A GOOD BANISHING RITUAL OR TWO WILL BREAK THE RETURN FLOW causing the energy to leave permanently.  This is why your banishing ritual is a monthly cycle with the waning moon.  There will always be something to banish or release.  The more you become one with nature and wax and wane with the moon. The more harmonious and beautiful your life will be.

The IOB Technique

IOB stands for Identify, Objectify and Banish.  When beginning your ritual, write out on a piece of paper what you intend to banish, this is how you identify.  Once you have identified what you intend to banish, draw a little doodle of it inside a JUST SAY NO symbol or a drawing of you destroying it in some way.  This is objectifying the thing.  Subconsciously you are destroying the thing by going over the motions in your mind through visualization and drawing.  These are all metaphysical techniques that permeate the subconscious.  Magic is all about getting the mind to create the reality you desire by creating it with your mind first.

Once your drawing is complete, fold it and write the words BANISH on it and lay it on your altar.

Begin Your Ritual

This ritual can be performed anytime, but the MOST POWERFUL AND MOST EFFECTIVE time is at the new moon or dark moon, when the moon is completely invisible and during the magical hour (to learn about magical hours, please join us in Kabbalah Class).  When the moon is in a waning or pulling away from the earth effect it literally DRAWS ENERGY AWAY from the earth.  Use this magnetic current to draw away what's troubling you.  Check your lunar calendars each month for the new moon date.  The next new moon is on April 18, 2015 depending on your location.

  1. Draw your magic circle of protection
  2. Light your incense and call the Ancestor in the East
  3. Light your candle and call the Ancestor in the South
  4. Lift your water and call the Ancestor in the West
  5. Lift your crystal and call the Ancestor in the North
  6. Annoint your metal burner with your holy water
  7. Say a prayer to the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Mother/Father God
  8. Pick up your Banishing  IOB paper and focus on it for a minute
  9. Imagine you are releasing the thing for once and for all
  10. When you internally feel the release, burn the paper in your burner
  11. Close your ritual by thanking the Ancestors
  12. Let the candle continue to burn out
  13. Draw a counterclockwise circle around your altar
  14. Say, this circle is now open and my intention complete

For many people, you will have an inner sense or knowing that the thing is gone from you.  You will feel lighter, happier and free.  Rejoice in this knowledge, doing so builds up more energy to block the thing from returning.  Know that you are much more powerful than it.

If you feel you are still struggling, do not focus on it.  Just know that you are building up energy to banish and over time the energy will build as you are consistent (repeat at the next New Moon).  THE KEY IS CONSISTENCY AND SELF TRUST.  You must be consistent and walk in complete trust in yourself.  Never abandon yourself but always love, support, be patient with and acknowledge yourself as the divine reflection of the creator that you are.  If you need help, call on the Ancestors, they will assist you.

Leave Me a Comment!

Leave me a comment with your questions, successes, as well as, failures and I will be happy to assist you.  Please know that the information here are only suggestions.  Your magic completely depends on you.  These are basic instructions, for more information and deeper instruction I will see you in Kabbalah Class.  Em Hotep!

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Ankh Institute

The Ankh Institute will be featured in the sidebar as one of our Metaphysical Links. The Ankh Insttitute is a Kemetic School of thought taught by Heru-Ka Anu, leader of Ta-Nefer Ankh, a lead spiritual teacher and guide with Par Ankh and a teacher with Ankh Institute. In addition to leadership, Anu conducts rites of passage ceremonies - including weddings, Ascension ceremonies, adult name change and other ceremonies. 

Anu teaches Kemet religious philosophy and spirituality, history, and politics. He presents regularly at ASCAC (Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations) national and regional conferences, and is often invited to present to grass-roots organizations and to college and university audiences. Anu's presentations make Kemet history and society, as well as the Kemet Model for liberating and reconstructing African civilizations and societies understandable. The Ankh Institute

The Original Order of the Blue Lotus

While in meditation, I received that it is time to move openly regarding the Order of the Blue Lotus, a heavenly divine order of angelic intelligences, aspects of our Higher Selves and Our Ancestors who are moving forward to connect and integrate with their physical bodies on the earth plane to prepare humanity for the Great Shift and Transformation that is taking place at this time in the year 2015.

The Divine and Heavenly Order of the Blue Lotus is a resurrection of a an existing order that once moved on earth in the land of Kem (ancient Pre-dynastic Egypt).  During the last fall of humanity, when the earth was removed from its place in the solar system, and many souls removed as well, the Highly Evolved Souls of the Ancient Order of the Blue Lotus translated themselves to a higher level of being where they would reside until this present time.  What is transpiring right now has happened before, will happen again, and is part of the cyclical nature of the earth realm.

The Great Shift

The Great Shift is an event.  It is a solar event, creating a metaphysical occurrence that will translate the soul of humanity to a higher level of being, some refer to it as the Rapture.  However, what has been said about The Rapture is almost entirely false.  The only accurate knowledge states that it is a translation of the human soul to a higher level of existence where he becomes fully Christ and no longer is he locked in a state of immortality and mere human existence.

Not everything is yet fully known about this event, but it is being revealed through angelic orders such as the Blue Lotus and others.  It is highly important that we begin to align with our higher selves in order to fulfill our purpose and make our contribution.  Many of us are aware of this duty but until now have been confused as to how we should move forward.  The Angels and the Ancestors say, JUST MOVE.  As you begin to tap into this awareness, knowing you have a divine mission, the Angels and Ancestors will assist you but you must begin to seek this out and move in the energy flow.  Trust your inner witness, the silent voice of the Ancestors and take your step of faith.

I have been called to mobilize the High Priestesses and High Priests through the Order of the Blue Lotus.  I am a Divine Goddess and High Priestess in the Holy and Angelic Order of the Blue Lotus that is fully operational in the Astral realm and I have been blessed with a number of holy and divine gifts.  My life experience has equipped me to endure suffering, know compassion and also appreciate the order of the Divine Judgment of Maat.  I also appreciate the great need for the return of the Holy Blessed Trinity of Auset, Ausar and Heru to the hearts and minds of those who are lost in the material world.  However, it is not only my duty, it is yours as well.

I am calling you, if you feel this divine call, join with me.  I am here to acknowledge you, assist you in understanding and working with your divine gifts and mobilizing you to move forward in your calling to uplift humanity to the divine status of Gods and Goddesses in the earth!  A simple connection with you is all that is necessary.

Em Hotep!

The Blue Lotus

The Blue Lotus flower is native to Kemet (Egypt)

The Blue Lotus flower imagery can be seen in paintings of Ausar (Osiris), Auset (Isis), Tehuti (Thoth God of Magic), Heru (Horus), Hathor (Goddess of Magic), the Four Sons of Heru (Horus, the Four Forces of Nature) and numerous others.

The Blue Lotus flower is a symbol of the Angelic and Ancestral Forces of Nature who make up the divine human being.  To receive the Blue Lotus and the Ankh of Eternal Life is to walk into immortality and accept your own divinity and power.

The Blue Lotus flower is also symbolic of the immaculate conception of your own divine inner being which makes up the Divine Holy Trinity, your inner divine feminine, masculine and created soul or child.  You are the divine creation walking fully in the image of the Creator.

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

New Moon Banishing Ritual Part I

Easy Banishing Ritual Set Up

Full Moon Success!

I have just completed the Full Moon Ritual last week and the results have been amazing.  By focusing on what I want and not on the things I don't want, I have been able to activate the Law of Attraction to bring more positive experiences and prosperity into my field.

Now It's Time to Banish!

Now that the moon is waning (pulling away from the earth), there will be massive energy moving away from us.  Now is the time to focus on using this energy to our advantage to release all unwanted energies from our personal auric fields.  For more information about energy fields begin studying and understanding how the Chakra system works.  I will be doing future classes on the Chakra System and Yoga.

The image above shows a very simple altar set up for performing a banishing ritual.  The word BANISH means to get rid of something unwanted.  This is similar to what Jesus did with so called demonic forces which essentially would be an unwanted or negative energy.  These negative energies hold us back in life and need to be dealt with directly or they will reside in our subconscious creating negative experiences in our waking reality.  This is also similar to what Jesus said about the strong man in the house.

Matthew 12: 22-27 "And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils. And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan? And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.  And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house." Bible, KJV
The actual banishing rituals were alluded to in the bible, but how to accurately and effectively perform them were never revealed.  However, the Gods and Goddesses are returning this knowledge to us in this hour for the day of our Liberation has come.

Banishing Ritual Set Up

Tools Needed: 

  • Candle (Represents the Fire Element)
  • Vial of Blessed Holy Water (Represents the Water Element)
  • Crystal - Tiger Eye (Represents the Earth Element)
  • Incense - Frankincense and Myrrh (Represents the Air Element)
  • Metal Burner or Container - (To burn paper in)

Understanding The Four Elements - Four Sons of Heru (Horus)
Four Sons of Heru (Horus) See Book of the Dead
Egyptology has given us much information on the artifacts of ancient Kemet (Egypt) and some indication of their meaning.  However, Western interpretation has also misguided us in some ways and cannot be fully trusted as accurate.

Therefore, use your intuition, Higher Self and inner guidance to tell you what is best for you.  I will be going deep into the Four Elements in Kabbalah Class as they are elementary and vital in every magical practice, and spiritual developmental process of the Tarot and the Tree of Life.

In order to perform any magical ritual, you must draw in the necessary energy to create an effect on the physical plane.  These basic natural laws (energies) are Fire, Air, Water and Earth.  No manifestation will occur if these energies are not utilized and combined.

The Fire Element/South - The God Kebusenuf (Falcon Headed God)
The fire element represents the direction of the South and is also known as the divine spark, the first act of creation.  Nothing can be created without the divine spark of fire.  Fire represents activity.  By doing this ritual, you are activating the divine spark (activity) of creation (your ritual) without knowing it.  You use fire every day.  Magic is simply using this universal law in a conscious way to create consciously instead of haphazardly.  Working with the fire element and understanding how it works and effects every day life is your duty as a divine created being.  Know thyself and know the power of the divine fire that lies within you.

The Air Element/East - The God Hapi (Baboon Headed God)
The air element represents the direction of the East and symbolizes the mind or thought.  When we call on the God Hapi, we are calling on the energy of thought, the air element.  We use the air element every time we use our mind to think.  Focusing on the air element will bring clarity to the mind and assist in establishing and grounding your thoughts in the physical world as manifestations.  It is extremely important to CONTROL and MONITOR your THOUGHTS!  Thoughts are truly things and you do not want to MIS-CREATE with your mind.

The Water Element/West - The God Imset (Man Headed God)
The water element represents the direction of the West and symbolizes the emotions or feelings.  The feelings connect to our intuitive heart or intuition, psychic gifts and the pineal gland (the Third Eye).  We use the water element haphazardly everytime we feel something, remember our dreams or express emotions such as joy and pain.  Emotional energy is very much a part of every magical or creative act.  The emotions are extremely powerful and actually are the conjuring effect that brings all the elements together.  Being able to raise this energy by stirring up your emotions in connection to the manifestation of your ritual will make it very easy to manifest.  This is where most people fail to get their magic to work, because they doubt, do not have faith and are not EXCITED about what they are doing.  Without the proper use of the water element, no effect will take place.

The Earth Element/North - The God Duamutef (Jackal Headed God)
The earth element represents the direction of the North and symbolizes the grounding energies of the earth.  All the elements combined must be grounded in the earth in order to be fully realized and manifested in the material world.  The God Duamutef represents this earth energy vibration of growth, abundance and transformation.  Calling on Duamutef attracts the energy of expansion and growth to pull down your desired thought from the highest realm of the mind, empowered through the realm of emotion  and manifested into the material world.  In the Kabbalah this is known as the Four Worlds.  I will go deeper into these concepts in Kabbalah Class as well.

I encourage every student to begin practicing the Tarot to fully understand how to work with the elements, recognize energies and prepare yourself for spiritual transformation and magical practice.  The Tarot is the first course in my Magical Kabbalah Course: Sign Up Now!.

Understanding Your Tools

Your tools are visual and aesthetic aids to assist you in learning how to raise your energetic vibration, connect to your Higher Self and direct your own energetic forces.

Our ancestors have given us powerful and effective ways that have stood the test of time through ritual practice.  The principles of our divinity are encoded in every magical act and through ritual practice we will become unified and integrated within ourselves in order to live balanced, prosperous and magical lives.

When you set up your altar, directionally you should place your tools like this.

Candle - Place on the south end of the altar
Water - Place on the west end of the altar
Crystal - Place on the north end of the altar
Incense - Place on the east end of the altar

The Candle
The candle represents the Fire Element and Principle.  The God Kebusenuf is a thought formed deity that can be tapped into consciously through meditation as you focus on the candle and fire element.  Know that when you light the candle on your altar, you are connecting to and with Kebusenuf and you will be empowered to perform all necessary actions in association with what you are seeking to manifest through ritual.  (Do research on the deities and seek to connect to them through meditation and contemplation.  They will make themselves known to you in subtle ways that you will find familiar and comforting.)

When lighting your candle call on the God Kebusenuf this way:

"I light this candle and call on the Neteru of the South, to the God Kebusenuf, I acknowledge you and call you forth to join me in this circle Em Hotep."

Do not question.  Just know that you have the power to easily call forth the fire element.  Over time you will recognize and become more familiar with it.  For now have faith.

The Incense
The incense represents the Air Element and Principle.  The God Hapi is a thought formed deity that can be tapped into consciously through meditation as you light your incense and inhale its fragrance.

Call on the God Hapi this way when lighting your incense:

"I light this incense and call on the Neteru of the East, to the God Hapi, I acknowledge you and call you forth to join me in this circle Em Hotep."

The Water Vial
The water represents the Water Element and Principle.  The God Imset is a thought formed deity that can be tapped into consciously through meditation as you raise your water vial from your altar and invite the water element in.

Call on the God Imset this way when raising your water vial in the air:

"I raise this blessed water and call on the Neteru of the West, to the God Imset, I acknowledge you and call you forth to join me in this circle Em Hotep."

The Crystal Tiger Eye
The crystal represents the Earth Element and Principle.  The Tiger Eye is known for being used as a banishing tool and is very effective.  The God Duamutef is a thought formed deity that can be tapped into consciously through meditation as you raise your crystal in the air and invite the earth element in.

Call on the God Duamutef this way when raising your crystal in the air:

"I raise this blessed crystal and call on the Neteru of the North, to the God Duamutef, I acknowledge you and call you forth to join me in this circle Em Hotep."

Metal Burner
Use a small metal burner or metal container for burning paper that you write your intentions on.  Once you have performed your ritual in full and feel confident that you are free and have released whatever it is you desire to banish, burn the piece of paper in your metal burner and rejoice that you are free.

Using a Circle of Protection

Anytime you perform a magical rite or ritual, this includes praying, meditating, or dancing in the spirit, you are drawing energy to you.  When performing magic, your intention draws energy more forcefully and powerfully.  On the spiritual plane this intensifies your light energy field and will attract other awarenesses.  This includes your ancestors, deceased loved ones, and angelic presences both positive and negative depending on your vibration.  Know that this has been going on since the day you were born.  For most people, depending on their ancestors, there is already a divine seal of protection that appears as a barrier to forces that are destructive.  You will never attract a demonic force to yourself unless you already have been communicating through negative behavior and bad intentions.  If you feel you have been dealing with them in the past, you have the power and authority to banish them with this ritual.  Do not fear them, they are only energy and they vibrate where they are welcome and accepted.  Nevertheless always fortify your subconscious mind and reinforce the awareness of who you are, the power you possess and the authority you have to do magic ritual and express your creative power as the Creator has given you wisdom and knowledge to express.  Take your index finger and draw a clockwise circle around you and your altar each time you prepare to practice.

You can say these words when you draw your circle of protection:  By the power and the authority of the Divine Creator I draw this flaming circle of protection around myself and this circle is now sealed.  Know that only the energies that you call forth are allowed into this circle.  When ending your ritual.  Say the same thing using your index finger in a counter clockwise position ending with this circle is now open and clear.

New Moon Banishing Ritual Part II

There is a little more to the Banishing Ritual then can be expressed in one writing, so I will be working on a Part II next.  In the meantime, you have enough information here to begin practicing your ritual over the coming days.  Remember, the New Moon (Black Moon or Banishing Moon) is on April the 18th.  Right now we are building awareness and energy toward those things in our life that block us from progress and that we desire to release.  Know that they will be gone forever by the end of this New Moon!

Your Banishing Intention

Write down on a small piece of paper, the thing you desire to Banish through your ritual.  Lay it on your altar before you begin.  Keep your intention in the back of your mind while you are calling on the Ancestors (Angelic Forces and Elemental Energies) to your magical circle.  Once you have called the ancestors, take your paper and hold it up saying these words:

"I banish and release this (whatever it is) and command it to be drawn away by the powers and energies of this New Moon never to return to me again.  I call the Elemental Forces of the Divine Goddess and God Ausar and Auset (Fire, Air, Water, and Earth) to assist me in my intention.  I am healed, I am free and I am Grateful.  Amen!"

Let your intuition be your guide.  Cry, pray and meditate during this time.  Write in your journal. Talk to God, your Higher Self and/or Ancestors/Angels.  Do not end the ritual until you know and feel you are free.  If you must end before, come back at another time and do the ritual again.

If you have any questions or comments, be sure to leave them below so they will benefit others.  Looking forward to your liberation and empowerment.  Subscribe to my blog by email to receive the New Moon Banishing Ritual Part II.  Em Hotep!

This ritual was created by Michelle Collier and may not be reproduced in any form without my expressed permission.

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