Don't play into the Psyops (Psychological Operations) that are occurring right now in terms of race and violence. Violence is not the answer nor is it the proper reaction to the events that are occurring all around us. If you must resort to violence to defend and protect your family, so be it. Nevertheless, negative forces are being used in the MEDIA to get us to react. These negative occurrences can put us in a mindset of outrage and stimulate negative energy within us as Divine Channels to propagate more violence. This is all a distraction to keep us from owning and manifesting our Divine Power.
As a Divine Channel, we are a portal for the Divine, Positive and Powerful flow of manifestation. When we are not fully aware and in control of this portal, it can be used to siphon the flow of our Divine Power to be used to create negative occurrences.
The Four Worlds
There are four levels of existence in which we exist. The earthly plane of existence which constitutes our physical bodies, the emotional plane, the mental plane and the ethereal or celestial plane which is Divine Spirit. When these four planes of existence are in alignment, we are a Divine Channel or Portal for the Spirit. However, when they are out of alignment, we can be portals for all kinds of negative energies that create negative circumstances.
We can see this play out in our every day lives when we look at how we are interacting and communicating with our loved ones, the people we work with and people we interact with on an every day basis. When our bodies, emotions and mindset are in alignment with Spirit we are grounded, centered and balanced in who we are. We are at our strongest and we experience love, fulfillment and harmony in our lives and our relationships. When we are out of alignment we experience the exact opposite.
The reason we see so much violence in our families, communities and in our government is because so many of us are out of alignment with Spirit. We are not applying the laws of existence and becoming unified within ourselves. This creates disharmony in ourselves and the world around us. Collectively we are all responsible for the violence we see in the world around us and the solution is simple. Get in alignment.
Time to Get Fully Aligned
Coming into alignment takes focus and intention. For many, this will not be easy. It is much easier to talk about consciousness and get people to join movements that talk about change, then to actually make personal changes and adjustments within ourselves. However, this is the only solution. The more people who come into full alignment, the more powerful we become individually and collectively.
We are running out of time. There are forces in the media and many in our own community that do not want us to recognize time. Nevertheless, time continues to press forward and events continue to unfold as the clock keeps ticking and what happens? It gives the negative forces more time to build their ammunition against us and to use us as blind portals while we take time for granted and stay caught up in a smokescreen.
Why Time is Important
With time comes change. It takes a baby nine months to develop in the womb. The planets rotate on time cycles. Seasons change systematically with time. Now is the time to utilize our Divine Portals to manifest Divine Energy on the planet in order to protect ourselves, receive guidance and provide for the needs of ourselves and our families. Soon there will be no more time to build up this energy. The energy will need to be fully developed and operational. There will be no time to study and do research. There will be no opportunities to utilize the internet and connect with those who can enlighten and encourage us. There will only be time to take action in each moment as pressure is applied to our lives in order that we fully awaken to who we truly are.
That pressure will reveal who we are. The pressure will reveal if we know who we are. The pressure will challenge us and require more from us than has ever been required in our entire physical existence. We will discover how every trial we have experienced has brought us to the person we have become and prepared us for the pressure that will now be applied. It is under this pressure that we will either stand or we will fall. It is due to this pressure that we must take action right now and not waste another moment of time.
You Are a Divine Channel
Now is the time for personal self development, opening up your Divine Channel, and clearing yourself from all negative energy and fear. As negative energies increase in force and apply more tactics using violence and fear, this pressure will force us to come into full alignment or be crushed and consumed by fear and negativity. This pressure will be applied through every structure utilizing the ECONOMY and WAR to further push us into negativity and fear. In order to come into full alignment, we must establish structure and order within our own minds and open our hearts to Divine Love, Positivity and Knowledge of Self.
Many people in our community have been so trampled on by life, their hearts have been consumed with fear and hate. Its difficult to understand how to love in the face of such darkness and cruelty we experience on the earthly plane of existence. But what many of us have not realize is this....THIS WAS ONLY A TEST. We do not have to love cruelty and violence, but instead we must love ourselves and keep our hearts open to love the Divine. It is through our Divine Channel that love will flow through us and love those who are in desperate need of love, deserving and wanting that love. Love is perfect unity and oneness within.
However, when our heart is blocked by anger and fear, we have lost our connection to the Divine and we become trapped in a world of illusion through the world of emotion. We do not realize we are being tested by the Universe to discover if we are ready to come back to our higher level of existence to experience our Divine Selves or whether we will remain trapped and lost in a world full of darkness and lies.
The truth lies within. Connect to yourself. Take time out to be with yourself and to be with nature. Get back in touch with your Divine Power and begin to channel the Universal Frequency of Love, Oneness and Knowledge of Self! Knowledge is Power. Ankh Udja Seneb! (Life, Prosperity and Health)
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