Dream of Demonic Darkness
I dreamed that I was speaking to a woman who appeared to be of middle eastern, perhaps Persian (Iranian) descent. She noticed a stye in my eye and quickly changed her disposition to one of intense fury. She screamed at me, you have a stye in your eye and you are one of the rebel angels!
As the women screamed these words she opened her mouth wide and a powerful force of darkness flew from her mouth exactly like this scene from the Mummy.
As the darkness flew toward me, it overcame me and I was consumed in black darkness and began falling backward as if I was falling into the abyss of a black hole. I was filled with terror momentarily as I fell and I could feel evil and see dark entities all around me as I continue to fall faster and faster.
It was at this very moment that I could intuitively hear a voice within say to me, DO NOT FEAR, RELAX AND KEEP FALLING. I trusted the voice within and I relaxed my body and just continued to fall into the black darkness. Then I heard the same voice say, NOW EMBRACE THE DARKNESS, BECOME ONE WITH IT.
At that very moment I realized I was no longer afraid because as I was falling I was okay. I was simply falling into blackness but I was fully conscious and unharmed so I reached out my arms and embraced the darkness and I was immediately filled with supreme love. As supreme love filled my being I realized I was one with the darkness and the fear vanished. Immediately I was returned to my physical body and seated in front of the woman who had blasted me with the dark energy. I looked at her as if to say, NOW WHAT? End of dream.
The 3 Steps to Divine Power
After having this dream, I had a new sense of reality. Fear is a force and so is darkness. Everything comes out of darkness, even Divine Love. There is love in the darkness if you can see through the illusion of fear.
Dark energy is a pure divine force that can be used for negative purposes because it has the power to be constructive and destructive just like the divine fire or any other energetic force. We can use dark energy like the woman in my dream to put ourselves in a state of fear. Fear is also a very powerful force.
When we are overcome with fear, we become immobilized. We become locked into a state of illusion where we believe we are powerless. The way to overcome fear is to embrace it first.
When I was falling in the dream, the fear was real. At that point, it is possible that choosing to give into fear could have led to even more horrific experiences. My instinct was to relax, trust and float in the darkness. Tell myself, it's okay, I'm just falling.
Once I was able to relax, I was able to embrace the darkness. It was then that I realized, hey, the darkness is not as bad as I thought it was. It was my fear of the dark that led to the illusion of its horror. By relaxing and becoming one with my fear, I was able to see another reality.
Immediately I became more confident of my powers and I was able to embrace and transmute the dark energy by becoming one with it. When I became one with the darkness, I was filled with an immense feeling of divine love and the unspeakable joy of self realization. I was more powerful than I realized! My fear was not as bad as it seemed!
Use These Practical Steps
These steps can be used with any personal challenges you may be facing. I have found some underlying fear to be at the base of most of my personal challenges.- Focus. Make a short list of your most prominent fears.
- Meditate. Using deep breathing and relaxing techniques (4 count/divine breath) go within yourself and focus on one of these fears.
- Transmute. Visualize yourself facing your fear, embracing your fear and becoming one with your fear. Your intuitive mind/heart will guide you in how to do this. Just trust yourself.
Everything starts in the mind, including our joys and our fears. If your fears are holding you back, you can transmute them into joy through the power of your own mind with focus, meditation and intention.
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