Notes on the Middle Pillar
Psychic imbalances are created when the conscious mind becomes aware of imbalances within the subconscious. These work themselves out as the conscious mind is able to absorb this information and integrate it. This is also called the Dark Night of the Soul. Our ability to persevere and not be moved by this transition is what causes us to come to a new state of existence.
Unity is the restored equilibrium between the conscious and the unconscious.
The Collective Unconscious - a surrounding psychic membrane which permits constant and active interchange between all parts of the psyche and with the general psychic environment.
The Higher Self - the true transpersonal self which is above and is unaffected by the thoughts from the mind stream or the sensations of the body. It is pure consciousness, the core of the self.
The Conscious Self or I - is the ego or point of self awareness. The seat of personal identity.
The Higher Unconscious or Superconscious - the transpersonal level of the unconscious containing higher intuitions, inspirations, latent psychic functions and spiritual energies. It is here that the higher self expresses itself in various forms through archetypes. The ordinary person is usually unaware of these forces and archetypes until they are brought to light during the process of self realization. Archetypes of the superconscious include the first gods of a pantheon, such as the Greek or the Norse Giants.
The Tree of Life - The Qabalah is the mystical system of the medieval Jews; its exact origins are buried in antiquity (everything the Jews have, they found while in Egypt). Its primary symbol, the Tree of Life, is said to be a glyph of the essence of God, the origins of the cosmos, the soul of man, and a model of how to live in accordance with the divine plan. It is also the most important symbol used by magicians and other practitioners of the western esoteric tradition.
Parts of the Soul - To the Qabalist the human soul is divided into three principle portions the Neshamah, the Ruach and the Nephesh. The highest of these is the Neshamah which encompasses the sephiroth of Kether, Chokmah and Binah. It corresponds to the highest aspirations of the soul also known as the higher unconscious or superconscious. The greater Neshamah is divided into three parts, the Yechidah, the Chiah, and the Neshamah.
Yechidah - centered in Kether, is our true divine self/higher self, the root essence of our spiritual nature. The part nearest to God, the most perfect level of the self. The Yechidah is the supreme undifferentiated quality of mind that is pure, unexpanded consciousness. The I am that I am.
The Chiah - or life force located in Chokmah, is the highest active principle of the human soul. It is our divine will, our inquisitive urge to become more than human. The animus or the figure of the supernal Father, the Chiah, is the source of our powers of action.
Neshamah - as distinct from the greater Neshamah, is the intuitive soul located in Binah, the souls greatest aspirations. The most approachable of the three Supernal parts of the soul. The Neshamah in Binah is symbolized by the feminine soul image of the anima, as well as the Shekinah, the Supernal Mother or the Gnostic Sophia. It is the source of human perception, comprehension and spiritual understanding.
Neshamah as a whole is our true desire or deepest state of consciousness - the intuitive power that connects humankind with the divine, it is our superconscious, intuitive mind. According to ancient Qabalists, this part of the soul remains dormant until the individual is spiritually awakened to its existence. The Neshamah (divine self, higher soul, or higher genius) embraces the elevated aspects of the collective unconscious, it is the divine spark that is common to all of humanity
The Ruach - .the middle soul or rational self. The conscious mind and reasoning powers. The conscious part of our being which is the abode of the ego.
Five Faculties of the spheres
Chesed - Memory
Geburah - Will
Tiphareth - Imagination
Netzach - Emotion
Hod - Intellect
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