Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Online Kabbalah Class

Tarot Made Me More Self Aware

I have been using the Tarot as a tool for meditation and personal self development for the past 8 years.  When I first began using the tarot as a form of personal self analysis, I took to the cards naturally.  Over the years, I learned to use a number of different decks.  With practice and daily use I began to master the most practical use for the cards, energy reading.  Energy reading is a type of clairvoyant personal analysis that examines how you use and direct your own personal energy.

The Kabbalah Made Me More Balanced

My study and use of the Tarot, not only led to an increase in my clairvoyant and other extrasensory abilities, but it also led to my study of the Kabbalah and ultimately magick.  Tarot, Kabbalah and Magick are all hermetic sciences that our ancient ancestors used to integrate the conscious and the subconscious mind, balance energy and live a more conscious and abundant life!

Magick Made Me Able to Manifest

In my online Kabbalah class, I will teach you how to master the Tarot, use the Kabbalistic Tree of Life to read energy, and practice planetary natural magick with the cycle of the moon and days of the week.  Practicing ritual natural magick in harmony with the earth and nature has helped me to get back in rhythm with life, be more grounded and balanced, and increase my ability to manifest my desires and achieve my goals!

To find out more about Kabbalah Class, sign up for my Metaphysical Classes!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Your Personal "Get Focused" Guru!

Dealing with Inner Resistance

I woke up this morning thinking about my own inner resistance.  What is resistance?  Where does it come from?  Why do we have it?

Resistance keeps us from doing the things we want to do.  We feel the urge to do something, and immediate we feel internal resistance.  Something pulling us in the opposite direction telling us, no, don't do it.  Put it off.  Do it later.  And we listen.  That's resistance.

Resistance is similar to procrastination but its not procrastination.  Resistance leads to procrastination.  Resistance is the reason why we procrastinate.  To heal our procrastination, we must Identify, Objectify and Banish (I.B.O.) our resistance.  The I.B.O. Technique is a banishing system that I will be talking to you more about soon.  I used it to quit smoking and have found it to be a quick and powerful tool for overcoming hangups and dealing with character flaws that hold me back.

To learn more about these personal development techniques, be sure to sign up for my online classes in the sign up form on the sidebar of this page.

Back to resistance.  As I lay there meditating on my resistance, I thought back to where my resistance began, how did it originate.  Immediately memories of my childhood came rushing back in.  I remembered being asked to do things I did not want to do and building up extremely strong feelings of resistance.  It felt like a tornado building up inside of me.  I began to hate doing chores and I associated much of my resistance to this childhood duty.

Then there was childhood trauma.  I remembered being kidnapped and forced to do things I did not want to do by a stranger.  The internal resistance built around that experience is indescribable but it would be more like a vortex of resistance built up in my auric field that has very much become a part of who I am and how I respond to things I resist, don't like, or don't want to do.

I know I'm being very candid here, but my intention  is to share information with you that will help to heal and my life is meant to be a life lesson for myself and for you.  So, I pray that what I am sharing with you reaches down deep, touches your soul, and gives you the power to transform your life with these words of my truth.  

Once your resistance has been identified at the source, you have accomplished the first step of the banishing exercise.  For Christians, you can associate to the example given by Jesus and the Church by identifying demons before they are cast out.  (Remember God has not given us the Spirit of Fear, which is also considered demonic)  Ultimately what we are dealing with here is essentially ENERGY.

I will not go into negative and positive, good and bad energy, demonic or otherwise here.  Energy is energy.  Once you have IDENTIFIED an ENERGY that is present in your AURIC FIELD, good or bad, that energy is part of who you are and influences your decisions.  In order to relieve yourself of unwanted energies, they must first be identified, then they can be banished.

To learn more about BANISHING contact me directly by clicking on the the ONLINE COUNSELING button at the top of the page and sign up for my online classes by using the form in the sidebar.  Let me know you are reading my blogposts and would like to learn more.

I hope this post has been helpful to you, I look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


The sanskrit word yoga means union and from english means yoke implying to harness our latent psychic energies.  Yoga is the science of physical, mental and spiritual integration.  It is a systematic method of self development and mystical ascent to universal wholeness on all levels of being.  The main objective of yoga is the purification of the soul in order that the incarnated ego may be liberated from the karmic wheel.

Bhakti Yoga - Union through devotion
Dharma Yoga - Union through the virtues of religious duties
Hatha Yoga - Union through physical discipline, breathing and postures
Kriya Yoga - Union through the sacred outlook in everyday life, domestic ritual and purification
Laya Yoga - Union through developing the serpent fire or kundalini force
Mantra Yoga - Union through spells and incantations
Raja Yoga - Union through meditation

Prana - the vital life force that courses through the human body by means of a network of canals known as nadis.

Chakras - the wheels or lotus flowers are power centers within the aura that correspond to certain glands or organs in the body.  The are reservoirs of vibrant energy, psychic sense organs where prana energy is concentrated in the human body.  They can be described as spinning whirlpools of energy that exist at certain points where mind and body or spirit and matter meet.  These centers are listed in both position and level of consciousness from the lowest to the highest and are visualized as colored orbs running up the center of the body.  The mental, psychic, and physical state of any individual can be characterized by analyzing the level of vibrant energy at every chakra.  In the average human being this vital energy is confined to the three lowest centers.  As the individual undergoes the process of spiritual growth the majority of energies are transferred to the higher chakras.  These psychic centers must be developed like any growing flower so that their petals are allowed to open and bloom.

Tattvas - means quality and is used to describe a characteristic, essence truth or element.  There are five primary tattvas which conform to the five basic elements.

Charkra Awareness Exercise

Visualization of yellow at the base of spine using the tonation of Lam.
Visualization of blue at the naval, using the tonation of Vam.
Visualization of red at the sternum using the tonation of Ram.
Visualization of green at the heart using the tonation of Yam.
Visualization of violet at the throat using the tonation of Ham.
Visualization of translucent blue at forehead using the tonation of Om.
Visualization of clear disk of light above the head with a lotus flower of 1000 petals every hue of the rainbow in silence.

After all the centers have been meditated on descend the path of the chakras from the crown to the base visualizing each center briefly on your journey downward.

The Rite of Elemental Equilibration

One of the goals of magical work is to bring the student an awareness of the inner elemental make up of his or her psyche.  This awareness also includes the ability to experience the elements and balance them in equal portion within the mind.  It is vitally important that all magical students be able to consciously equilibrate the psychic elements.

Development of the Will Exercise

The development of the will is one of the most important tasks faced by the student.  It is a principal factor in the attainment of spiritual progress.  A practical and most effective method for training the will is to consciously set up specific goals for a predetermined period of time, and if diverted from keeping these goals, to withhold something that gives enjoyment.  This is based on a type of behavior modification therapy.  One of the most effective ways to reinforce the will is to dispense a mild electric shock.  A small device can be purchased at any store that sells supplies for stage magic.  If this device is employed immediately following the broken vow, a mental connection is made which will become a fixed and potent reminder that sets up a continual alertness on the part of the will.  By doing this the student will reinforce the connection between the unwanted action and the electric shock.  It is important to carry the device with you at all times so that the disciplinary action can be delivered immediately.

Mind Awareness Exercise

In order to raise the level of awareness from the body to the mind, this exercise is performed by letting the mind wander as it may without obstruction.  Set a predetermined amount of time for the session beforehand and use an alarm clock or timer.  20 minutes is appropriate.  Sit comfortably, in one of the position poses.  Use a audio recorder to record the entire session. As you sit, calmly articulate your thought, idea, memory or feeling that happens to arise into the microphone.  Speak without planning what to say next.  At the end of the session, play back what has been recorded.  This practice will give the student a good idea of the hidden contents within the psyche.  The student may experience an open floodgate of pent up feelings or thoughts that have been censored for years.  However, the simple act of becoming aware of these hidden thoughts is part of the process of being able to come to terms with them.  The mental pressue and inner conflicts caused by these repressed thoughts will eventually dissipate along with the number of breaks in concentration.

Eastern & Western Meditation Poses

For this pose you will need a pillow, cushion, or folded blanket on the floor.  Seat yourself on the front edge of the pillow.  Bend your legs so that you are sitting cross legged with the left foot under the right thigh and the right foot under the left thigh.  Keep your knees level and your spine straight.  Rest your hands palms downward on your knees and keep your elbows relaxed.  Close your eyes and breathe rhythmically.  Begin your particular meditation.

Western Meditation Pose

For this pose you will need a chair and a small cushion.  Be seated on the front half of the chair with the spine well away from the back of the chair.  With the cushion under your feet, be sure that the lower part of your legs forms a ninety degree angle to your thights which may be together or separated slightly.  Rest your hands palms downward on your knees and keep the elbows relaxed.  The spine should be kept straight.  Close your eyes and breathe rhythmically.  The main meditation can now begin.

Cleansing Bath Exercise

Take a shower to clean the body.  Then fill the bathtub with warm water, add bath salts or performed oil to the water.  White candles and incense may be employed in the room, soothing music.  Simply soak for a few minutes, let go of negativity or tension into the cleansing water.  Then pull the plug and drain the water while remaining in the tub.  Feel your doubts and worries go down the drain, leaving you feeling relaxed and energized.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Middle Pillar by Israel Regardie

Notes on the Middle Pillar

Psychic imbalances are created when the conscious mind becomes aware of imbalances within the subconscious.  These work themselves out as the conscious mind is able to absorb this information and integrate it.  This is also called the Dark Night of the Soul.  Our ability to persevere and not be moved by this transition is what causes us to come to a new state of existence.

Unity is the restored equilibrium between the conscious and the unconscious.

The Collective Unconscious - a surrounding psychic membrane which permits constant and active interchange between all parts of the psyche and with the general psychic environment.

The Higher Self - the true transpersonal self which is above and is unaffected by the thoughts from the mind stream or the sensations of the body.  It is pure consciousness, the core of the self.

The Conscious Self or I - is the ego or point of self awareness.  The seat of personal identity.

The Higher Unconscious or Superconscious - the transpersonal level of the unconscious containing higher intuitions, inspirations, latent psychic functions and spiritual energies.  It is here that the higher self expresses itself in various forms through archetypes.  The ordinary person is usually unaware of these forces and archetypes until they are brought to light during the process of self realization.  Archetypes of the superconscious include the first gods of a pantheon, such as the Greek or the Norse Giants.

The Tree of Life - The Qabalah is the mystical system of the medieval Jews; its exact origins are buried in antiquity (everything the Jews have, they found while in Egypt).  Its primary symbol, the Tree of Life, is said to be a glyph of the essence of God, the origins of the cosmos, the soul of man, and a model of how to live in accordance with the divine plan.  It is also the most important symbol used by magicians and other practitioners of the western esoteric tradition.

Parts of the Soul - To the Qabalist the human soul is divided into three principle portions the Neshamah, the Ruach and the Nephesh.  The highest of these is the Neshamah which encompasses the sephiroth of Kether, Chokmah and Binah.  It corresponds to the highest aspirations of the soul also known as the higher unconscious or superconscious.  The greater Neshamah is divided into three parts, the Yechidah, the Chiah, and the Neshamah.

Yechidah - centered in Kether, is our true divine self/higher self, the root essence of our spiritual nature.  The part nearest to God, the most perfect level of the self.  The Yechidah is the supreme undifferentiated quality of mind that is pure, unexpanded consciousness.  The I am that I am.

The Chiah - or life force located in Chokmah, is the highest active principle of the human soul.  It is our divine will, our inquisitive urge to become more than human.  The animus or the figure of the supernal Father, the Chiah, is the source of our powers of action.

Neshamah - as distinct from the greater Neshamah, is the intuitive soul located in Binah, the souls greatest aspirations.  The most approachable of the three Supernal parts of the soul.  The Neshamah in Binah is symbolized by the feminine soul image of the anima, as well as the Shekinah, the Supernal Mother or the Gnostic Sophia.  It is the source of human perception, comprehension and spiritual understanding.

Neshamah as a whole is our true desire or deepest state of consciousness - the intuitive power that connects humankind with the divine, it is our superconscious, intuitive mind.  According to ancient Qabalists, this part of the soul remains dormant until the individual is spiritually awakened to its existence.  The Neshamah (divine self, higher soul, or higher genius) embraces the elevated aspects of the collective unconscious, it is the divine spark that is common to all of humanity

The Ruach - .the middle soul or rational self.  The conscious mind and reasoning powers.  The conscious part of our being which is the abode of the ego.

Five Faculties of the spheres
Chesed - Memory
Geburah - Will
Tiphareth - Imagination
Netzach - Emotion
Hod - Intellect

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Meditation Class

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