Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Access the Ancestors through Dreaming

I'm going to tell you a secret.  The Ancestors will never appear to you physically.  Understanding this one simple fact will save you from much deception and delusion.  There is a reason why they won't and primarily it has to do with universal law, cause and effect, and your purpose for being here.  Interference in human affairs by divine beings is what caused the original divine fall and why we are currently suffering on the planet and have forgotten who we are.

Your Purpose

A true guru can never tell you your purpose, she can only assist you in discovering it for yourself but understand this, you have a divine purpose.  Your divine purpose is connected to the divine purpose of everyone else on the planet, for everything and everyone is connected.  This is also a universal law.   In order to discover your divine purpose, you must connect to your divine self.  This can be done through meditation, through prayer and through dreaming to name a few examples. 

In this article, I am going to speak to you about connecting to the Ancestors through your dreams in order to discover your divine purpose and stay on the path of self realization.  By realizing your divine purpose you will come to understand your mission here on earth.  Yes, you do have a mission.  In fact, it is quite critical that you know what your mission is and do your part to support the human family as we see our collective reality collapsing and deteriorating.  The Ancestors are calling you.

Who are the Ancestors?

It really depends on who you ask.  The Ancestors are not physically here to tell you, therefore anyone you ask would only know based on their own experience.  Some people know about the Ancestors based on historical record and some communicate with them directly through the Astral realm.  Therefore, it is really up to you to draw your own conclusion and follow your intuition.  Trust your inner guidance.  The presence of the Ancestors is with you and will guide you to right knowledge.

First know this...ALL IS ONE.  Once you understand the perfect unity of the whole creation, all darkness and erroneous belief systems will be dispelled from you.  DUALITY does not exist.  Separation is a state of mind and in creation there is PERFECT UNITY AND BALANCE.  The best system of thought we have on this concept is described as the YIN/YANG principle and is very well laid out in Hermetic Philosophy.  We cannot have LIGHT without DARKNESS and everything in creation has it's opposite.  

The Ancestors are not separate from you.  They are you.  You exist on many different dimensions outside of this reality.  Christ described this principle with the words, I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU THAT WHERE I AM, THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO (John 14:2-3).  The spirit of Christ will reconnect you to your divine purpose, which is your divine self.  Many people experience this as connecting to God and it is a beautiful experince.  Through this process you will develop a relationship with your divine self.  You are connecting to the part of yourself you have been disconnected from.  The part of you that exists in higher planes of reality and is waiting for you to wake up to who you truly are.

The Dark Ancestors and the Ancestors of Light

That being said, there is more.  You existed in other lifetimes in a physical form on the planet but you do not remember this.  There is a reason why you don't remember but for now let's say there are forces that are blocking you.  These same forces are connected to the Ancestors as well, however due to the nature of these intelligences, they are considered dark forces.  These dark angelic forces lived human lives in past incarnations and took a turn from the natural order and universal law.  They decided to interfere with the evolution of humanity in order to form their own dark cabal in physical form.  These are the beings who wreak havoc on the planet and seek to divert the divine plan which is you remembering who you are.  Keep in mind we are all interconnected, and these dark forces were also you.  You will understand this more as you develop your own relationship to the Ancestors.

Now you have decided to wake up from the darkness and put away ignorance in order to discover the Light through universal law.  You are reconnecting with the Ancestors, those other parts of yourself who are helping you to open your eyes to reality and remember why you are here and who you truly are.  These Ancestors work in harmony with universal law and the natural order of creation.  They are angelic forces at play in the evolutionary pattern for man and are here to support the divine plan. In order to communicate with us and help us to reconnect to the divine, they will appear as messenger angels in many different forms through meditation, spiritual gifts and through dreams.

The Ancient Egyptian Ancestors of Kemet

The Ancient Egyptians of Kemet (Egypt) had a perfect understanding of the topic we are discussing and did everything within their power to help us to wake up during this time.  The Great Pyramids, The Mighty Temples and Hieroglyphic writings speak of this knowledge in great detail.  The Egyptian Pantheon consists of the Neteru (Angelic Forces/Beings) which are the divine aspects of Self.  This Pantheon is the best way to connect to your own Ancestral Forces.  Twelve of the Ancestors and their qualities will be given in detail to you as follows:

The God Geb (Earth/Foundation) - When you are connecting to Geb, you are connecting to the strong, masculine energies of the earth.  Geb stands for security, firmness and the cultivation of life.  When you are properly connected to Geb, you are grounded, standing on a firm foundation, fruitful and productive.

The Goddess Nut (Sky/Heaven) - When you are connecting to Nut, you are connecting to the strong feminine energy of the heavenly realm.  Nut stands for the heavens and the influence the heavenly bodies have on all life on earth.  When you connect to Nut you are connecting to the planetary powers of the solar system, the universe and the heavenly realms beyond.

The God Ausar (Divine Soul) - When you are connecting to Ausar, you are connecting to your Divine Soul.  Ausar stands for the resurrection of the human soul to divine consciousness and the transmutation process of the soul from human to divine.  When you connect to Ausar, you are connecting to your Divine Soul and activating the principle of your Higher Self.

The Goddess Auset (Subconscious Mind/Emotions) - When you are connecting to Auset, you are connecting to the divine feminine aspect of your higher self.  Auset stands for the subconscious mind, the intuitive heart and sensitive emotions.  When you connect to Auset, you are connecting to the right brain aspects associated with the pineal gland and the subconscious world of feelings, dreams and spiritual gifts.

The God Set (Lower Self/Human Nature) - When you are connecting to Set, you are connecting to the more base aspects of your lower self associated with physical survival.  Set stands for opposition to the spiritual or higher aspects of the Self and represents the ancient struggle between the human and divine nature.  When you connect to Set, you are working on a lower level of consciousness associated with the ego and disconnected from the divine nature.

The Goddess NebtHet (Temple/Priesthood) - When you are connecting to NebtHet, you are connecting to the higher functioning angelic realms of the Neteru.  NebtHet stands for the hidden forces of nature and their angelic workings in creation through the Earth/Spirit Temple.  When you connect to NebtHet you are initiated to a level of responsibility in the creation process and tap into the mystical hidden forces of the universe.

The God Heru (The Higher Self) - When you are connecting to Heru, you are connecting to your fully realized divine self, Godhood.  Heru stands for the solar/sun aspect of the heart in its fully illuminated and enlightened state.  To connect to Heru is to experience your fully realized divine being with all the power and the authority that represents.

The God Anpu (Gatekeeper/Spirit Guide) When you are connecting to Anpu you are connecting to the guiding star of Sirius and the gates of your mystical power are open to you.  Anpu stands for the divine gatekeeper and spiritual guide in the evolutionary process of the human soul.  When you connect to Anpu, you have reached a heightened level of self awareness, learned to apply practical knowledge and are ready to ascend to a higher state of being.

The Goddess Hathor (Divine Love/Sexual Energy) When you are connecting to Hathor, you are connecting to divine creative power.  Hathor stands for the highest form of love and sexual energy.  It is through her divine creative force that art is formed, life is born and universes are made.  When you connect to Hathor, you are connecting to your divine feminine, most creative and loving self.

The Goddess Sekhmet (Life Force/Divine Fire) When you are connecting to Sekhmet you are connecting to the original spark of creation, the divine fire.  The fire of Sekhmet is a purifying flame that cleanses the soul causing right action, correction and sometime destruction.  When you connect to Sekhmet, you are connecting to your personal power, courage and integrity.

The Goddess Maat (Order/Balance)  When you are connecting to Maat, you are connecting to the harmonizing energies of justice, order and balance.  Maat stands for the stabilizing forces that bring balance to polarity. When you connect to Maat, you are connecting to the spirit that brings justice, balance and order to your life. 

The God Djehuty (Divine Wisdom/Magic) When you are connecting to Djehuty you are connecting to the divine wisdom and magical forces of the spoken and written word.  Djehuty stands for the Highest form of wisdom that illuminates the soul and unlocks the door of knowledge to the areas of sacred science.  When you connect to Djehuty, you are connecting to the powers of the moon and mercury combined, using hidden wisdom to discover true enlightenment and magical power.

The knowledge presented here is among the most accurate knowledge you will find on our Ancestral spirits and if you practice communicating and working with them, you will bring balance, power and creativity into your life.  This lesson will be continued in Access the Ancestors through Dreaming Part II.  In the second part, I will go over exactly how to make contact through your dreams and what you can expect on this wonderful and transforming journey!  

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Ankh Udja Seneb!


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