The Ankh Institute will be featured in the sidebar as one of our Metaphysical Links.
The Ankh Insttitute is a Kemetic School of thought taught by Heru-Ka Anu, leader of Ta-Nefer Ankh, a lead spiritual teacher and guide with Par Ankh and a teacher with Ankh Institute. In addition to leadership, Anu conducts rites of passage ceremonies - including weddings, Ascension ceremonies, adult name change and other ceremonies.
Anu teaches Kemet religious philosophy and spirituality, history, and politics. He presents regularly at ASCAC (Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations) national and regional conferences, and is often invited to present to grass-roots organizations and to college and university audiences.
Anu's presentations make Kemet history and society, as well as the Kemet Model for liberating and reconstructing African civilizations and societies understandable. The Ankh Institute
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