Tuning in and Setting the Vibration
Kabbalah Class teaches a way of life and a way of being, helping the student to evolve to higher states of existence and personal power. The Kabbalah or Tree of Life represents our physical, mental and spiritual being and teaches us how to nourish and develop these areas in order to grow and prosper.As you begin taking the Kabbalah Class, vibrationally you will shift. This means, your frequency will change due to the more balanced energies coming into your magnetic field. This will create an inner sense of harmony and wellbeing. These energies are the basic elements of life; fire, air, water, earth and spirit.
In order to keep your energies balanced and further develop them to the point of Sixth Sense Awareness (to tap into the higher abilities of the Pineal Gland and Extrasensory Perceptions) you must create a physical temple to do your spiritual and personal development work.
State Your Full Moon Intention
If you want to see miraculous results, begin creating your temple with a Full Moon Ritual. Use the full moon's expanding and manifesting power to give you the edge you need to bring your temple into perfect manifestation. See my April Newsletter 2015 for more information on the Full Moon Ritual and contact me with any questions you may have.Example: "My Full Moon Intention is to build a Temple in my home dedicated to my divine inner self (holy child), the divine father god and divine mother goddess (blessed holy trinity)."Kabbalah Class will teach you the divine mysteries of the Holy Trinity and reveal the science and true power (energies) behind religion and the Tree of Life.
Build an Altar
Kabbalah Class will teach you the Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) way of life.When setting up your altar, keep in mind the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon (Osiris, Isis and Horus - Trinity), however, if you already have a spiritual practice, you can use whichever deities you prefer and be guided by your higher senses in building the altar.
What I am sharing is a general guideline. There is no wrong way to build an altar because we are working with energy and our inner sense of knowing, so in order to develop these abilities we can't be too logical. However, there is some logic involved, after all this is a science (Hermetic Philosophy). Therefore, there are a few things you will want to know:
- If possible, set your altar up so you are facing East toward the rising sun.
- Place items on your altar that represent the Five Elements (See Newsletter).
- On your altar should be incense, a candle, holy water/oil, and a stone/crystal
- An image of your chosen deity
- A pillow for kneeling (if needed) unless your altar is high standing
Over time, your altar will become more elaborate and beautiful as will your life internally and externally. Your altar is a reflection of you, how you adore and care for yourself by focusing your intention on the divine. Worship and honor the creators at this altar and know that you are one with All. Love and adore yourself and your divinities at this altar every day and you will know your true creative power and how you have been created in the image of the divine creator.
Once your altar is complete, dedicate your altar by performing the Full Moon Ritual.
Begin your rituals by repeating this prayer to the mother goddess Auset (Isis). This prayer can be found in the book "The Mysteries of Isis, Her Worship and Magick" by DeTraci Regula.
After the prayer, do a deep breathing and meditation exercise to clear the mind and receive information intuitively from the divine mother. Write these revelations down in your magical journal. For more information on how to perform rituals sign up for Kabbalah Class Here.
Prayer to Auset (Isis)
Nebes, Nebes, NebesNebes em hotep
Nebes em neferu
Nebet hotepet
Weben em hotep
Weben em neferu
Nutjert en Ankh
Nefer em pet!
Pet em hotep
Ta em hotep
Nutjert sat Nut
Sat Geb, Merit Ausar
Nutjert asha renu!
Anekh brak
Anekh brak
Tu a atu
Tu a atu
Nebet Aset!
English Version
Awake, awake, awake
Awake in peace
Lady of peace
Rise thou in peace
Rise thou in beauty
Goddess of Life
Beautiful in heaven
Heaven is in peace
Earth is in peace
O Goddess
Daughter of Nut
Daughter of Geb
Beloved of Osiris
Goddess rich in names!
All praise to you
All praise to you
I adore you
I adore you
Lady Isis!
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